
Apr 112022

MADRID. 9/3/1940. Symbolic burial of those who gave their lives for God and for Spain killed in the famous “Train of Death” and among them were the Bishop of Jaén and General Saro.

See Roberto Domingo’s artwork, “Traslado de los restos del coronel Saro”, associated to this march: Here

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Apr 112022

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Magazine "The magazine ANTIQUES"

Fig. 1. The walls of Finca Vigía’s expansive living room are hung with trophies from Hemingway’s African safaris and works from his collection of bullfighting art. Except as noted, all photographs are by Brent Winebrenner.

Magazine "The magazine ANTIQUES"

Fig. 8. The head of a gazelle hangs next to Toros by Roberto Domingo (1883–1956), which was painted for a poster advertising the 1932 bullfights in Valencia, Spain. The painting was also used for the cover of Hemingway’s book about bullfighting, Death in the Afternoon, published in 1932.